My Christmas tree decoration this year.
I had posted on my facebook page that the holidays are hard when you’ve lost a loved one. I find myself trying to avoid all holidays. This Christmas has been no exception. But avoiding hasn’t worked out too well for me. It hasn’t worked at all. As I say in my book, “It’s like trying to hide from God.” So, after two years of trying, I’m adopting a whole new approach. Instead of trying to run away, I’m going to think of something different to do for each holiday. You know, shake it up a bit!
A friend of mine challenged me to do a Christmas tree this year. I really didn’t want to, but then I got an idea – I’ll do one Greek-style. As you can see above, I decorated olive branches and hung them above my dining room table. And it looks really beautiful. Of course the Olive tree symbolizes peace and prosperity. And how bad can that be sitting over your dining room table?
By the way, I just spent an incredible week in Greece, and while I’d like to tell you more about it, for now, let me just say –
T H E A C R O P O L I S I S T O T A L L Y W O R T H I T !
It was so much more than I thought it was going to be. No way you can capture its awe-inspiring grandeur in a single photo. And, Ah! The legend is that the goddess Athena (whose temple I’m standing in front of in the photo below) created the olive tree as a gift to the city that would be named after her – Athens.