If you read my last blog about finding bliss and comfort while waiting for my delayed flight at the Athens airport, chances are, you then imagined me, spending the rest of my time in Greece sipping a cocktail on a pristine white, Santorini balcony, and watching the sun set over the Mediterranean. Uhm, no. That’s not exactly how it happened, because…

Back at the car to leave the airport. You can see it's a pretty blustery day.
The flight to Santorini was cancelled! No kidding. The weather never improved, and it was cancelled! When they made the announcement, my “go with the flow” bliss morphed into instant “pissed off-ness.” I mean, sure, I didn’t mind a little delay, but not going altogether? Arrgh! I suddenly found that I had been really looking forward to overlooking the Mediterranean and marveling at the sheer beauty of it. Of finding quiet solace in my little cave-like room, with its balcony. The charming little room that I was never going to see. Instead, I was going back to impinge on my relative’s company, horn in on their activities, and eat more of their food.
And then I remembered – there’s going to be a wedding tonight – a Greek wedding. And I’ve been invited. And although I always cry at weddings and crying is something I try to avoid since I lost my husband, maybe I won’t cry at this one because I don’t understand the language. And there’ll be dancing. Greek dancing.

Okay. The wedding didn't work out either. But I did make it to stunning Delphi, once considered the spiritual center of the earth.
And I started thinking – maybe this was meant to be. Like my not being able to use my phone since landing in Greece, inexplicably not being able to log on for emails, and fighting a case of bronchitis for the first four days; maybe the universe is just making sure (making damn sure) I was going to go with the flow and not expect too much. Then again, maybe it was protecting me; telling me that I was not yet ready for the sensory over-loading bliss of the sheer beauty of nature in Santorini. Or maybe s!*t just happens sometimes.
Like it, or not, though – I am going with the flow. And sometimes it works out that, the further we get away from something, the closer we get to something else. One thing’s for sure – life was not listening to my plans that week.
And as I got over the initial shock and indignation that my flight was cancelled, I started to relax again. This is not bad. Not too bad. And then I started thinking about the wedding…and oh, wait, maybe I’ll make it to Delphi after all…and besides, my relatives are really wonderful, delightful people…and I am already feeling like a part of my Greek family.

Kitten outside the Delphi museum.
- Statue inside the Delphi museum.